Saturday, June 26, 2010

Back on the horse

So I brought the headaches up with my doctor - being cautious he asked that I not run until we rule any really bad stuff out.  So after an MRI, chest X-Ray & exam nothing turned up except that my heads empty, chest is full of lungs and I've still only got one leg.  He referred me to a neurologist, but I've decided that I'm just going to deal with it and hope they go away.

I went for a 'lunchtime' run on Wednesday, 2x400m.  I decided not to push it very hard, hoping to not return to work with a headache.  For the most part it worked, only a mild headache and some stink on return to work.

On Thursday after work I did another 2x400m on the track at Rainier, and only got a mild headache again.

Feels kind of pathetic to call half a mile a run and consider it a workout...