Thursday, October 28, 2010

1 mile - its all about the speed

So I finally ran 1 continuous mile, no stopping, no walking, no crashing.  I had to take a knee, thank my God, shed a tear ( seriously ) and catch my breath.  :-)

Some of the recent changes to the running foot have made it possible for me to go considerably slower.  Running at a slower cadence, and shorter stride keeps me from becoming anerobic so quickly.  So ultimated its a combination of training, prosthetic changes, and running slower that has allowed me to push the distance up fairly quickly.

More on the news front, I'm scheduled in early December to go help with a research project at RIC.  They are building and studying the best way to control a powered prosthetic leg controlled using the targeted reinnervation's that were done when my leg was amputated.


  1. Nice work! It's all about the small victories. Let me know when your ready to run in an event. I may do it with you. Then again - I'm not sure my ego can handle being beat by a one legged man - I guess there is only one way to find out.

  2. Congratulations Zac! That is awesome. I know that this has been one crazy journey...just to the mile marker. I can't wait to see and learn what is just up ahead around the next bend.

  3. Hey, do you actually get to go to Chicago? Apparently, the brother of two guys who have worked/do work for/with Joe is a Doc at UW in Seattle. His interest is in prosthetics. He's coming down for a visit next month, so if we see an opportunity to connect you with him, we'll do so.
